20 Amazing Stingray Tattoo Designs and Ideas

Stingray mainly inhabits warm temperate and tropical waters of various oceans. Benthic, often burying the body in the sediment at the bottom of the water. They often move in groups at night, swinging up and down with their pectoral fins in a wavy shape, swimming smoothly in the water. With migratory behavior. When being trampled, the tail whip with poison is thrown. The tail stab is powerful enough to nail into the wooden boat, which can cause deep wounds and even death to the stabbed body. It feeds on small fish, shrimp, worms, mollusks and invertebrates, which is seriously destructive to the shellfish breeding industry.

Stingray has a long tail, which is a spine with poison glands at the top. It is very sharp, with two rows of poison stingers on it. It usually lies quietly in the sand. Once people step on it barefoot on the bank, it will swing its whip like tail and sweep it. The venom will immediately enter the human body along the thorn tip. The light wound is painful and accompanied by panic, and the heavy one may lead to death.

20 Amazing Stingray Tattoo Designs and Ideas

Source: @angelcabanartwork