20 Unique Rhino Tattoos For Your Next Ink

Rhinoceros is the largest odd hoofed animal in the world, mainly distributed in southern Africa, Southeast Asia and sub Saharan Africa. Of the only 25000 rhinoceros left in the world, about 800 live in the African country Zimbabwe. Rhinoceros head has solid single or double horns (some females have no horns). It originates from dermis, and the horns fall off and can still be reborn.

Rhinoceros are herbivores. Although both white and black rhinoceros feed on grass from the African prairie, their diets are very different. White rhinoceros has a wide upper lip and can eat short grass; The lip of black rhinoceros is more prominent, and it can collect twigs and bite them off with premolars. It is because of the differences in the diet of the two rhinoceros that they can live together on the African prairie.

20 Unique Rhino Tattoos For Your Next Ink

Source: @jonaswilly