30 Trendy Summer Gel Nails You Should Try

Gel nails are better than acrylic nails because they have little chance of being promoted and can help solidify real nails if used as base coatings. One thing to note is that Gel nails and acrylic nails are strikingly different. The basic contrast is the use of various ingredients to cure Gel nails and acrylic nails.

Summer has arrived. Whether you choose clothes, hairstyles or manicures, you should conform to the season of summer. The same is true for choosing manicures in summer. It's the most popular thing to choose clean and fresh manicures without adding colors. Today, We bring 30 Trendy Gel Nails suitable for summer. Let's have a look at them together.

30 Trendy Summer Gel Nails You Should Try

Source: @estetica_anima_e_corpo