50 Gluten-Free Chocolate Recipes You can’t Live Without

These gluten-free chocolate recipes are some of the best chocolate recipes we have every laid our eyes on. Whether you have chosen to stick with a gluten-free diet to live a healthly lifestyle, enjoy gluten-free food or simply want to try out gluten-free chocolates, you are sure to find a gluten-free chocolate recipe that will complete any meal idea. You can indulge guilt-free and allergy friendly, thanks to these creative chocolate recipes. You should never go without dessert, so get into your kitchen and get ready for chocolate heaven.

4. Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bars

50 Gluten-Free Chocolate Recipes You can’t Live Without

Detailed recipe and credit – jamiecooksitup.net
This recipe is a unique twist on a traditional oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. The creator of the recipe explains that she was inspired to make a bar version to help reduce the prep time. After all, there is no need to scoop or bake individual cookies. This recipe involves baking an entire pan of buttery oats and chocolate. Many assume that oatmeal contains gluten. However, instead of containing gluten, it has a protein called avenins. You can enjoy these delectable bars completely guilt-free. Some suggest also adding butterscotch or cinnamon chips for an extra pop of flavor.