20 Best Lightning Tattoos to Inspire You

There are many symbolic meanings of lightning. Generally, the metaphor is very fast. For example, Wade of the heat is called the flash. People call fast marriage flash marriage and so on. Another symbolic meaning of lightning is fear. For example, dark clouds roll, lightning and thunder, and a war is about to break out.

Lightning is a strong discharge phenomenon between clouds, between clouds and the ground, or between various parts of the cloud body. Usually, storm clouds generate electric charges. The bottom layer is negative and the top layer is positive. In addition, they also generate positive charges on the ground and follow the clouds. Positive and negative charges attract each other, but air is not a good conductor. Positive charges rush to the top of trees, hills, tall buildings and even the human body, trying to meet the clouds with negative charges; The negatively charged branched antennae extend downward, and the more they extend downward, the closer they are to the ground. Finally, the positive and negative charges are finally connected by overcoming the air barrier. A huge current surged from the ground to the clouds along a conducting airway, producing a bright and dazzling flash.

20 Best Lightning Tattoos to Inspire You

Source: @linaresflavio_tattoo