20 Superb Bamboo Tattoos You Must Try

Bamboo tattoos can best reflect a person's noble quality. Bamboo is a kind of cold resistant plant. Its characteristics symbolize the character of a gentleman, and its form indicates the rising of wealth and career. However, bamboo paintings can not be hung at will. Generally, bamboo is taboo to hang in the west, while bamboo paintings hanging in the South or East are better in Fengshui.

Since ancient times, bamboo has symbolized the character of a gentleman. In ancient times, many literati and refined scholars would recite poems and draw pictures in the image of bamboo, or draw bamboo on paper and hang it on the wall. To this day, hanging bamboo paintings is still the first choice for many families, which can not only cultivate a person's sentiment, but also increase the family's good luck.

20 Superb Bamboo Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @architex_tattoo